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Mar 4, 2021

Redpoint Global Product Updates: Simplicity, Ease of Use Highlight New Release’s Intelligent Orchestration Capabilities

The saying that “it is always the simple that produces the marvelous” is attributed to 19th century British novelist Amelia Barr. The concept underscores many of the enhancements to two of the three components ­­– Intelligent Orchestration and Automated Machine Learning (AML) – of the rg1 platform released today.

This blog will capture many of the enhancements that will continue, now and in the future, to make things easier, cleaner and faster for both novice and power users of Redpoint.

Rules Designer

The Rules Designer enables marketers to define audiences and segments, customize messages by content and channel, and respond to external situations and triggers. This release represents a major UI and functional overhaul to improve ease of use (see Figure 1) including a structured, dashboard-style approach that supports simple and comprehensive controls, with one-click functionality to add new criteria or lists, and choose images and other content. Users can also easily bring up visualizations to show how rules interact with one another and drill down to additional views and details.

New Rules Designer in rgOne

Figure 1: New Rules Designer in rg1. An intuitive UI centralizes rules creation in the middle of the page, with other modern touches that make it easier for users to quickly search and drill down into different rules and attributions.

Data Connectors

Enhancements to Redpoint’s data connectors similarly stress ease of use, while promoting business value with simple data output for channel teams and orchestration. Simple data extracts are a key piece of the improved functionality, which allows customer teams to maintain existing processes with teams using assets and processes in channel-specific applications, relying on rg1 as the central hub for customer data and segmentation. This additional open garden flexibility allows organizations to keep existing teams and processes in place with a future option to migrate to cross-channel teams.

Highlights of data extract functionality include simple single-form data connector campaigns to push data to a certain channel. In the web or in the native client, the data connectors feature facilitates a two-click data export process – choose the data and its target.

Clustering Enhancements

The new clustering enhancements continue the simplicity theme, extending the clustered audience capabilities introduced in rg1 in September. Clustered Audiences enable marketers to leverage machine learning to automatically identify customer segments – based on common characteristics – from within a larger list of people. This release adds decision trees (See Figure 2) and a word clouds feature that will make it easier for rg1 users to understand and analyze audience clusters.

AML Clustering Decision Tree in rgOne

Figure 2: An AML Clustering decision tree showing a simple visualization for which attributes are factored in clustering decisions.

Adding ways to analyze audience clusters was an enhancement made from direct user feedback; providing more detail than what’s usually represented in a dashboard gives users more insight into how machine learning is making decisions and grouping audiences together – how it determines the when, where and why of any decision and how the data is filtered. It is essentially a tool to help marketers validate that a decision will be useful to their business goals.

RealTime Enhancements

Additional performance enhancements to real-time data orchestration provide users more control over the balance between interaction latency and server /cloud costs. Additional flexibility ensures that a company pays only for the real-time performance it needs.

In-event processing and tuning, the elimination of network latency for co-located components, and functionality to meet tight SLAs for proofs of concept and production were all addressed in the today’s release to make it easier for marketers to draw a clearer distinction between cost and performance.

Email Service Providers

The big news for ESP support in the release comes with the addition of Luxsci®, a HIPPA-compliant provider – a mandatory consideration for healthcare organizations wanting to go beyond simple marketing messages to interact with patients for care management, prescription compliance, and other highly personalized communications.

The addition of Luxsci® continues the expansion of ESP integrations within the rg1 platform.

Data Management Pipelines

Lastly, the new Data Manager in the AML component of rg1 simplifies sourcing data for training or running models. AML users can now utilize a simple form to create a data pipeline for training AML projects from any database available within the third component of the rg1 platform, Customer Data Management. AML inherits the complete set of database connectors as well as enterprise controls for security, availability, single sign-on, failover and other items and functionality. And by using the Customer Data Management connectors, AML will automatically be able to connect to new data sources based on future updates.

Allowing AML to take advantage of everything that Customer Data Management can do with data directly – as well as use cleansed and prepped data from any source – will streamline workflows and reduce the time spent on data prep by data scientists and engineers.

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