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Redpoint for providers

Get Every Patient on the Right Care Path

Run more, better, faster patient acquisition and engagement campaigns with the Redpoint CDP.

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Data-Driven Healthcare Organizations Trust Redpoint

The Redpoint Difference

Improve patient health – and operating margins – by addressing the root challenges of data accuracy and accessibility. Quickly and easily create effective omnichannel campaigns that keep patients engaged with their health and your system.

Truly Understand Your Patients

Seamlessly bring clinical and consumer data together from disparate sources to create a unified patient profile that supports patient outreach beyond the EHR.

Improve the Health of Patients and Communities

Easily and autonomously segment patient cohorts for targeted value-based programs or specialty procedures that improve health outcomes, patient satisfaction and revenue growth.

Execute Frictionless Patient Journeys

Effortlessly orchestrate and optimize personalized omnichannel campaigns. Engage patients at every stage of their journey to enable better care management and optimize costs.

Redpoint CDP Process Provider

Provider Use Cases

Expand your patient population, guide individuals to care solutions that best address their needs and keep them engaged to improve health outcomes and increase ROI.

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NPS & Satisfaction Surveys

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New Patient Acquisition

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Patient Retention & Leakage Prevention

Doctor Icon

Care Gap Closure

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Patient Portal/App Adoption

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Appointment Optimization & Adherence

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Chronic Care Management

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Prevention & Wellness

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Care Transition & Follow-Up

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Health Equity

Resources for Patient Experience Success

research report

2023 Healthcare Consumer Perspectives on Digital Engagement and AI

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Healthcare Providers’ Path to Sustainable Patient Acquisition

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The Healthcare ROI Gamechanger

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NPS & Satisfaction Surveys

Encourage members to complete member satisfaction assessments and take appropriate actions towards improving member satisfaction.