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Data Quality & Ingestion


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Automation of Manual Data Processes


Reduction in Data Prep Time


Increase in Conversions from Real-Time Product Recommendations

The Only CDP that Makes Your Data Better.

Redpoint optimizes data quality by performing all data hygiene and data transformation tasks at the point of entry, greatly reducing process inefficiencies and eliminating the snowball effect of poor-quality data that leads to poor CX.

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Correct Human Error

Automated data quality enhances traditional manual data correction, fixing information that has been entered incorrectly by both customers and customer-facing associates. Solving these problems in real time at the point of data ingestion ensures the veracity of the Golden Record. 

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Keep Bad CX at Bay

Having high quality data throughout the customer lifecycle means your CX is performing to its greatest potential. Data quality as part of an AI-driven virtuous cycle results in clean data for all downstream purposes, from core CDP to AI models and more.

Keep Bad Cx At Bay (2)
Ensure Data Readiness

Ensure Data Readiness

Customer records are driven by many different data sources at many different rates.  Make sure your Golden Record represents complete, consistent, and timely information so that your customer interactions are always relevant.

Automated Data Quality and Ingestion Capabilities

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Full Range of Pre-Built Functions

With Redpoint, standardization, error detection, correction, automated lookup of offline addresses and other information happen at the point of data ingestion. Full data hygiene ensures that advanced identity resolution functions are completed on cleaned data.

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Always-On Data Quality

Redpoint’s pre-built functions run continuously, ensuring data hygiene is completed as soon as new data is introduced. Always-on data quality supports omnichannel journey orchestration, real-time personalization, refined product recommendations, and other CX and business use cases.  

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Transparent Processes

Data quality starts with data ingestion. Visualization tools reveal the dimensions and metrics behind data quality, making it easy to correlate high-quality data with superior business outcomes. Democratized access to data and data quality processes let you see that everything is working and all of your data is ready – before you segment or activate audiences.  

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Beyond Customer Data

Redpoint performs data quality processes on all incoming data – customer, product, location, and organizational/household data. But the profile is only as accurate as the identity resolution behind it, which Redpoint strengthens by including all data that can identify customer signals. 


See How Data Quality Works

Take our virtual product tour to see how you can quicky and easily  leverage your customer data to deliver personalized experiences.

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Data Quality Resources


Data or Die: How High Quality Data Fuels AI-Driven Agile Marketing 

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Solution Brief

Automated Data Ingestion and Data Quality

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On-Demand Webinar

Unlocking Business Flexibility With Agile Customer Data Platforms

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